24de Heremans Lecture, door Diane Mathis op 24 februari
Zij zal de moleculaire en cellulaire basis van T-celtolerantie belichten.
Laurent Gatto, Jean-Baptiste Demoulin and Axelle Loriot, from the newly established Computational Biology and Bioinformatics group and the Receptor Signaling in Cancer group, organize an international bioinformatics summer school that will take place at the UCLouvain, in Louvain-la-Neuve, from the 1st to the 5th of July, 2019. This one-week intensive summer school in bioinformatics will focus on data analysis and high throughput biology, with a special focus on R/Bioconductor and its application to a wide range of topics across bioinformatics and computational biology. Participants will benefit from the expertise of renowned experts in the field of omics data analysis.
The course is intended for researchers who are familiar with omics experimental technologies and their applications in biology, have had some exposure with R, and who want to learn or expand their bioinformatics skills. The material will cover underlying theory and practical hands-on exercises. At the end of the course, participants should be able to run analysis workflows on their own omics data, adapt and combine different tools and make informed choices about bioinformatics data analysis strategies.
The summer school will accept up to 50 participants and offers 20 scholarships to students and early career researchers. Further details, preliminary schedule and registration details are available on the summer school’s webpage at https://uclouvain-cbio.github.io/BSS2019/.
In addition, a preparation workshop will be organized for the local participants, in order for them to maximize the benefits of the summer school. This should be a 1-day event, possibly scheduled over two 1/2 days, around mid-June.