CYTF core facility is managed by Dr Nicolas Dauguet. Flow cytometry technology allows simultaneous multiparametric analysis of thousands of cells per second, enabling trained users to rapidly analyze complex cell populations based on phenotypic and functional features.
High-speed assisted cell sorting services provide researchers with physical separation of identified cell populations, for any down-stream characterizations.
The main mission of the platform is to provide a high quality service and assist researchers with their flow cytometry experiments. Another key point is to provide a high-level of education to the researchers so that they achieve autonomy with their research projects. It means autonomy with the use of the equipments but also with the design of their experiments and data analysis.
Flow Cytometry training course on-demand : theory, hands-on, data analysis
Flowjo and SpectroFlo analysis softwares
BD FACS ARIA III : assisted cell sorting
Sony MA900 : autonomous access
Cytek Aurora CS : assisted cell sorting, available soon
scRNAseq: contact Pr. Laure Dumoutier
Di-Luoffo M, Pirenne S, Saandi T, Loriot A, Gérard C, Dauguet N, Manzano-Núñez F, Alves Souza Carvalhais N, Lamoline F, Cordi S, Konobrocka K, De Greef V, Komuta M, Halder G, Jacquemin P, Frédéric L, Lemaigre FP
Hepatology (2021) 74(3):1445-1460.
Michiels C, Puigdevall L, Cochez P, Achouri Y, Cheou P, Hendrickx E, Dauguet N, Blanchetot C, Dumoutier L
J Invest Dermatol (2021) 141(11):2668-2678.e6.
Cochez PM, Michiels C, Hendrickx E, Van Belle AB, Lemaire MM, Dauguet N, Warnier G, de Heusch M, Togbe D, Ryffel B, Coulie PG, Renauld JC, Dumoutier L
Eur J Immunol (2016) 46(6):1449-59