The PICT core facility, managed by Dr Patrick Van Der Smissen, trains and provides the scientific community with fluorescence, confocal, multiphoton and super-resolution microscopy, as well as a wide range of sophisticated methods of vital confocal microscopy, immunolabeling and dynamics. It is also a source of collaborations and advices, providing users with the necessary expertise at all stages of the experiment, from sample preparation to analysis and interpretation of data. PICT also comprises Digital Histology Services, a facility offering full range services to analyse tissue sections, including sample processing, immunostaining with single or multiple visible or fluorescent dyes, acquisition of digital high-resolution images of entire tissue sections and computerized image analysis.
The core facility is supervised by Prof. Donatienne Tyteca and is run by Dr. Patrick Van Der Smissen for fluorescence microscopy services and Dr. Nicolas van Baren for digital histology services.
Wide range of specifications: from standard bright-field over dark-field to wide-field fluorescence microscopy
Standard 3D views of large tissues samples or embryos
Analysis of samples that will then be visualized by high-resolution confocal microscopy
Vital imaging, time lapse, immunolabeling
Manual stereomicroscope
High speed confocal microscope
Excitation: 4 laser lines (405, 488, 561, 635 nm)
Emission: 4 channels (460/80, 520/35, 617/73, 685/40 nm)
Confocal, super-resolution and multiphoton microscope
Excitation: 4 laser lines (405 - 488 - 561 -635 nm) + multiphoton (680 – 1300 nm)
Emission: 32 channel spectral detector (4 nm) + 2 PMTs + Airyscan-2 detector for fast & super-resolution modes
Temperature and CO2 controlled chamber
These microscopes acquire high-resolution digital images from tissue sections mounted on microscope slides. Both white-light and multichannel fluorescent scanning is supported.
LSM980-Off-line station: software for confocal, multiphoton and FLIM
Arivis station: Zen Blue and Arivis4 softwares
Standard morphometry in X-Y plane: length, area, histograms
Morphometry in volumes
Manipulation of large Z-stacks
Fluorescent signals measurements
Extent of colocalization
FLIM data analysis
Interactively or by macros
each is equipped with a powerful computer, a large 43” monitor, a touchscreen with stylet pen for manual annotations, and a professional software for digital image analysis and quantification (Indicalabs Halo v3.2).
Pricing - Please contact the facility manager
Ghodsi M, Cloos A-S, Mozaheb N, Van Der Smissen P, Henriet P, Pierreux CE, Cellier N, Mingeot-Leclercq M-P, Najdovski T, Tyteca D
Front Physiol (2023) 14: 1205493.
Cloos A-S, Pollet H, Stommen A, Maja M, Lingurski M, Brichard B, Lambert C, Henriet P, Pierreux CE, Pyr dit Ruys S, Van Der Smissen P, Vikkula M, Gatto L, Martin M, Brouillard P, Vertommen D, Tyteca D
Blood Adv (2023) 7(17): 4705–4720.
Maja M, Mohammed D, Dumitru A-C, Verstraeten S, Lingurski M, Mingeot-Leclercq M-P, Alsteens D, Tyteca D
Cell Mol Life Sci (2022) 79:417.
Dumitru AC, Stommen A, Koehler M, Cloos A-S, Yang J, Leclercqz A, Tyteca D*, Alsteens D* (*equal contribution)
Nano Letters (2021) 21, 4950-4958
Léonard C, Conrard L, Guthmann M, Pollet H, Carquin M, Vermylen C, Gailly P, Van Der Smissen P, Mingeot-Leclercq M-P, Tyteca D
Sci Rep (2017) 7:4264